Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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J for the PC386
Copyright (c) 1990-1992, Iverson Software Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
J is a licensed product of Iverson Software Inc. (ISI). Permission to
copy this software without fee is granted provided (0) the copies are
not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, (1) this
copyright notice is included, and (2) notice is given that copying is
by permission of ISI. To copy otherwise requires the specific written
permission of ISI.
The software is distributed on an "as is" basis. ISI disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Registered users receive a printed manual and notice of new releases.
To order or register your copy, send $24 (plus $10 for shipping and
handling) to:
Iverson Software Inc.
33 Major Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2K9
Phone (416) 925 6096
FAX (416) 488 7559
Distribution Files
bigprtsc.com DOS print utility
cpyright.doc Copyright notice
dos4gw.doc Documentation for dos4gw.exe
dos4gw.exe DOS extender
isiinfo.doc About Iverson Software Inc.
j.bat For starting J under DOS
j.hlp DOS help file
j387.le Needed by j.bat; 80387 fl. pt.
jemu.le Needed by j.bat; emulated fl. pt.
jserv387.exe Needed by jwin.exe; 80387 fl. pt.
jservemu.exe Needed by jwin.exe; emulated fl. pt.
jwin.exe For starting J under Windows
jwin.hlp Windows help file
rminfo.exe Real/protected mode configuration
runpc386.doc This note
status.doc Implementation status
wp\ Window Program examples
xenos.doc Documentation for !:
Copy the diskette contents onto your hard disk:
c: Change to hard disk drive c
xcopy a:*.* j\ /s Copy from diskette drive a to directory j
Then execute
cd \j Hardware floating point
copy j387.le j.le
copy jserv387.exe jserv.exe
cd \j Emulated floating point
copy jemu.le j.le
copy jservemu.exe jserv.exe
depending on whether your machine supports the floating point
instruction set (80387 processor or 80486 CPU). Your PC may
use different letters for the diskette drive and the hard disk drive.
Substitute for a: and c: as appropriate.
DOS Start-Up
Type cd c:\j to change to the j directory, then type j to start J.
In the J session, press F1 for help. Enter Control-D to terminate
the session.
Windows Installation and Start-Up
Add J to the Program Manager:
. click a Program Manager group window
. select File from the menu, then select New
. select Program Item in the dialog box and click OK
. type J under Description
. type c:\j\jwin.exe under Command Line
. type c:\j under Directory
. click OK
Start J by double clicking the J icon.
The J window is resizable and scrollable. It is divided into
input and output areas containing separate logs. Press tab to
switch between these areas, and the arrow keys to scroll the logs.
Press F1 for help. Enter Control-D to terminate the session.
The phrase 11!:0 'pc abc; pshow;' creates a window through the
Window Driver interface. The facility is documented in the
online help.
DOS4GW DOS Extender
J runs in 32 bit protected mode under DOS4GW. DOS4GW is the version
of Rational Systems, Inc. DOS4G product that is distributed with
the WATCOM product WATCOM C/386. DOS4GW is documented in dos4gw.doc.
The simplified description here is adequate for most requirements.
The DOS4GW command line is the program to run and its start-up
parameters. For example,
dos4gw jemu.le
runs the linear executable file jemu.le.
DOS4GW parameters are in environment variables dos4g, dos16m, and
dos4gvm. The DOS set command defines environment variables.
The sets can be entered at the DOS prompt, in autoexec.bat, or
in a BAT file you create for the purpose of running J.
. Reserve Extended Memory for Others
DOS4GW running directly under DOS (not under Windows) takes all
extended memory. If programs run from J require extended memory
you must tell DOS4GW to limit itself.
set dos16m=:2048
specifies that DOS4GW should use 2 megabytes of extended memory.
. Virtual Memory
The DOS4GW Virtual Memory Manager provides virtual memory with
a swap file. VMM works only directly under DOS; hosts like
Windows provide their own virtual memory. Note: Windows virtual
memory performs badly and should be avoided.
VMM can reasonably provide up to 1 megabyte additional memory.
Above that most applications bog down in disk thrashing. A few
applications are well suited to virtual memory and run well with
a workspace much larger than allowed by real memory.
VMM parameters are documented in dos4gw.doc.
set dos4gvm=virtualsize#2048 swapname#c:\j.swp
creates/uses c:j.swp as a swap file to provide a 2 megabyte
virtual memory space.